Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Connor's Ketchup - Acapulco.

I haven't posted in a few days and it's because I've been too busy with my writing. Anyway, I was evidently the only person not blown away by Acapulco. First, I missed the boat on the jungle tour (pun intended) and by the time I tried to sign up to go see the jumping cliffs, that group had filled up too. Jess and I couldn't find Sumara and co., so we ended up going for a walk in the city.

Normally, this would have been fine, and it is true that we saw much of interest. But for some reason, I feel like Cartagena spoiled Acapulco for me. Yes, the beaches here were airier and wider and the water was more clear, but the sense of us vs. them (of U.S. vs. them?) was much greater. I don't know how else to put it... it completely flies in the face of everything I'd assumed about Colombia, and Mexico is still high on the list of countries I-would-kind-of-think-was-cool-to-live-in. I just know that there were more tourists here, and somehow, I felt more conspicuous.

Don't get me wrong, though. Acapulco is scenically astonishing, like something out of a fantasy novel. From the water, it looks like a sickle, the sand is so sweeping and silver. Perhaps, unlike Cartagena and Miami, Acapulco just felt a bit claustrophobic, like there wasn't enough space, and so many people wouldn't be allowed.



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