The Sunny Southern Hemisphere
I have a big hat and sunglasses, and am about to go ashore in Sydney incognito. Last night I closed a pub somewhere in the northern part of the city, and despite not being quite sure how I made it back to the ship, do remember a few young (and some not-so-young) gentlemen from the pub who seemed to be pretty impressed by me. In such cases, disguises come in handy. ;-)
Sydney feels great; I'm a city girl, and am very comfortable when surrounded by city strangers. We'll be here until tomorrow evening, and I intend to make the most of my Sydney experience; there are a bunch of walking tours that I'm going to explore today, both to walk off all the calories I drank last night and to get to know Sydney as best I can. I'm also really excited about the IMAX here; a movie called Haunted Castle is playing later on tonight, and I am SO there.
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